Saturday, November 27, 2010

Container Herb Garden Is Versatile, Adaptable, and Mobile - part 2

Steps to Creating a Container Herb Garden:

* Container or pot

* Gardening Trowel

* Gardening Pruners or Shears

* Drill

* Gravel or small rocks

* Mesh screen, pantyhose, nylons, or something similar

* Potting Soil or potting medium or a good soil full of organic matter

* Disposal Diaper or a 'Soil Moist' product

* Herb Plants

* Fertilizer unless it is in your potting medium

* Water

* Plant dollies for large containers

* Saucers or something for the container or pot to sit on

Ideas for Containers or Pots: traditional flower pots, planters, kettles, teapots, shoes, boots, seashells, milk cartons, pop bottles, tree stumps, wagons, wheelbarrows. Anything that will hold potting soil or a potting medium can be used.

Steps to Creating a Container Herb Garden:

1. Select a container large enough to hold the herbs to be planted.

2. The container should have drainage holes in the bottom of it. If not drill several holes in the bottom.

3. Place the mesh screen over the holes. If using a basket with several holes in it, line the basket with the mesh. This will prevent unwanted insects and slugs from getting into your container through the holes but will still allow drainage.

4. If you can't drill holes in the container then place gravel or small rocks in the bottom for drainage.

5. If you are using a disposal diaper, open it up and lay it out flat in the bottom of the container. The padding has polymers in it, which will help the soil retain the moisture.

6. Place the potting soil or medium in the container.

7. If not using the diaper, then mix a little soil moist into the potting medium. This also has polymers in it, which will help the soil retain the moisture.

8. If using a granular fertilizer, add it now and mix into the potting soil.

9. Gently water the potting soil or medium.

10. Before planting the herbs, set them in the container and arrange them until you have the arrangement that you like.

11. As you plant them one by one, gently remove the herb plants from their containers.

12. If the roots are root bound, gently slice through them with a pruning shears.

13. If not root bound; very gently disturb the soil around the roots..

14. If there is any dead growth on the plants remove it.

15. Place the plant in the potting soil.

16. Gently water it.

17. Firmly place the soil around the plant.

18. Finish planting the herb plants.

19. If using a water soluble fertilizer mix it into the water and water the plants.

20. Once the potting soil has settled, it should be about 1 inch below the rim of the container, top the potting soil off with mulch.

A few tips for creating a container herb garden:

* Select herb plants with have similar requirements

* Shade Plants

* Sun plants.

* Water loving Plants

* Low water requirement plants

* Culinary Herbs

Wasn't that easy to do! Don't limit yourself to one container, do as many as you want, perhaps mixing in other plants for variety. You may want to do several theme herb containers and have several pots to make up your Container Herb Garden. The above directions will work with any plants for any kind of container garden. You can find out more about Container Herb Gardening here, plus there is a video to watch. Have fun and be creative with all of your gardening!

Jaylyn Huson is an herb garden enthusiast and enjoys helping others learn about growing and using herbs. Her latest book is Home Herb Garden Answers-The Answers You Need for Planting, Growing, Harvesting, Storing, and Using Your Herbs.

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